6 bad habits common in couples who go through problems and how to avoid them

All couples go through or will go through some kind of problem in their relationship. However, the way they choose to behave in these situations is what will be decisive. So, here are some of the habits harmful effects of couples in trouble that are good to avoid in order to have longevity in relationships.

Bad habits and how to break them

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In difficult times, it is common for us not to have much wisdom when choosing which attitude to take. However, it is extremely important to think about your own attitudes when you want to make the relationship work. This involves avoiding the following bad habits:

hide things from partner

Lying, at any level, is a problem within a relationship, as this environment should be a place of security and sincerity for both. By lying to your partner, you leave an open space for distrust that may not be closed later.

not keep promises

If you can't keep the promises, then don't do them, because that creates expectations in someone else. So, always prefer to demonstrate that you are interested in changing and that you will always try to be better.

be emotionally dependent

Emotional dependence in no way can collaborate with the development of a relationship healthy. On the contrary, he can undermine the relationship with a series of unnecessary charges.

have unrealistic expectations

A lot of people's mistake is allowing themselves to create expectations of changes and behaviors for their partner that go beyond their capacity. In fact, it is necessary to recognize that the other person is also human, and as such has its faults, but also its qualities.

Put your interests first

A relationship needs to be the perfect balance between the two people's interest in the relationship. However, a harmful habit of putting individual interests first often develops. This attitude can culminate in the separation of the couple, since agreement is fundamental in a relationship.

Verbally belittle the other person

Unfortunately, many couples develop the habit of verbally belittling each other, with name-calling and insults. This attitude is very harmful to a person's self-esteem, so always know how to put your demands without humiliating the other. This will facilitate the dialogue between the two.

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