Find out who can receive inclusion assistance

Little known, the aid-inclusion is a program created to help beneficiaries and former beneficiaries who started to work in the formal job market in the last 5 years. This benefit seeks to encourage entry into the job market, in addition to promoting greater autonomy and citizenship for those who receive it. For more details about the aid, including who can receive the inclusion aid in 2022, check out the full article.

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Who receives the assistance-inclusion?

This is an assistantial aid from the Federal Government, made available by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). It is regulated through Ordinance Dirben/INSS No. 949, published on November 18, 2021, and intended for all citizens who receive the Benefit of Continued Provision (BPC), or have been part of the program in the last 5 years.

Its objective is, mainly, to encourage its public to enter the labor market. To obtain the benefit, the professional must have been remunerated with the equivalent of two minimum wages.

In addition, the worker must also obtain a monthly per capita family income of up to 3/4 of the minimum wage. There is also a need to keep CadÚnico data updated and the CPF regularized.

How to apply for benefits?

In order to have access to the benefit, the candidate must initially meet certain requirements. One of them is the importance of having a clean name with credit institutions.

Another important point is to have been a BPC beneficiary in the last five years or to have had this benefit suspended during that period. Having an income of up to two minimum wages, as well as being enrolled in the General Social Security System, are also important factors before applying for this benefit.

In addition, it is also extremely important to be enrolled in CadÚnico. Once these requirements are met, registration for the aid can be done through the website, or through the INSS application itself.

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