Aid Brazil will be released this Friday for some beneficiaries

Every month, the Brazil Aid performs a new round of payments. Program participants have access to a monthly installment this way. In this sense, June deposits will begin on the 17th, next Friday. Therefore, on the day it is released, people who have a NIS (Social Identification Number) ending in 1 will already be able to have access to the money. Therefore, check out this article for more details about the installment of the Brazil Aid in June.

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Auxílio Brasil installment released for the month of June

Workers with final NIS 1 may first receive the value of the June installment, as payments are made in the last 10 working days of the month using the participant's NIS. With this, the deposits start with those that have a final NIS of 1 and progress until they reach those with a 0 at the end. The benefit has a minimum value of R$ 400 and can be requested with the Auxílio Brasil card.

Check the calendar for the payment of the Brazil Aid for June

Starting next Friday, June 17, beneficiaries will receive a new installment of the benefit. Here's how the payment schedule will look:

  • For those with NIS 1 end: June 17th;
  • For those with NIS 2 ending: June 20th;
  • For those with NIS 3 ending: June 21st;
  • For those with NIS 4 end: June 22;
  • For those with end of NIS 5: June 23rd;
  • For those with NIS 6 end: June 24th;
  • For those with NIS 7 end: June 27th;
  • For those with end of NIS 8: June 28th;
  • For those with NIS 9 end: June 29;
  • For those with NIS 0 end: June 30th.

Precautions to be aware of

It is essential to remember that the beneficiary must move its value within 120 days. If this does not happen, the money may return to the public sector. In this sense, during the period, you can withdraw the amount with the card (or without), shop online, pay slips and transfer via PIX.

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