Discover 3 habits that can harm your health and your immune system

More than ever, people are concerned about keeping their immune systems strong because of the coronavirus. However, to strengthen your immunity, you need to change your life habits and learn to choose the right foods. In this article, you will know 3 habits that can harm your health and your immune system. Keep reading!

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drink a lot of alcohol

Just as nothing in excess is good for you, excessive alcohol consumption can directly alter your immune system. Furthermore, according to the journal Alcohol Research, this link between excessive alcohol intake and a weakened immune response is harmful to your health. For example, this includes an increased susceptibility to illnesses such as pneumonia, an increased risk of sepsis, a higher incidence of postoperative complications, poor wound healing, and slow recovery from infections.

However, excessive alcohol consumption is defined as the intake of four or more drinks for women, and five or more for men, over a short period of time. Therefore, if you are drinking much more than that, it is necessary to reduce this amount gradually, as this habit is bad for your health. Finally, if you think you may need medical help, there are a few ways to seek professional help services. Talk to your support network!

overdo the salt

Excess sodium is associated with problems such as fluid retention and high blood pressure. A study from the University Hospital of Bonn states that too much salt can lead to immune deficiency. It was also discovered in this research that when the kidneys go to excrete excess sodium, a cascade effect occurs that decreases the body's ability to fight infections.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is recommended less than 2300 mg per day for healthy adults, less than the actual average intake of 3440 milligrams per day day. However, it is known that 70% of sodium intake comes from processed foods.

Therefore, the best way to reduce sodium intake is to limit consumption of products such as frozen pizza and canned soup, which are highly processed products. It is also important to check the amount of mg of sodium per serving on nutrition facts labels.

Consuming too much sugar

As stated earlier, it's important to cut the excesses out of your life. This would not be different with sugar, which is bad for your health and the immune system. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that after an overnight fast, humans who were fed 100 g of sugar had a reduction in the ability of immune cells to fight bacteria.

However, you don't need to completely eliminate sugar from your life, just avoid excess. Thus, it is recommended to limit added sugar to foods to no more than six teaspoons a day for women and nine for men.

Finally, if you're in the habit of eating sugary treats, you might want to try some altered ways to resist it. Practice meditation, exercise, contact loved ones, or even play video games to reduce your emotional urge to eat sweets every day.

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