FGTS faces payment difficulties due to information errors

According to labor laws, when the worker has a signed work card, he starts to have an FGTS account, which will be opened in his name by his employer. This will be responsible for depositing the amounts of the Guarantee Fund monthly.

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The law requires deposits to be 8% of the total salary amount received by the employee. However, the withdrawal of this resource at any time by the worker is not allowed, but only in specific situations, for example, buying a home.

This resource was approved in mid-1966, to serve as a “protection” for the worker when he was dismissed from his services.

Thus, recently the government of Jair Bolsonaro granted the release of FGTS resources, in order to move the economy affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, accounts that did not have correct information ended up preventing many workers from withdrawing the amount. Check out some of the recurring questions about the FGTS below.

1. How do I know if my employer is depositing in accordance with the law?

To check this requirement, it is only necessary for the worker to access one of the Caixa systems and go to “Deposit”, where all the resources paid by their employer on a monthly basis will be listed. If you want to follow up by SMS, follow the steps below:

• First, it is necessary to register to receive the SMS. Then, go to the website: Caixa.gov.br;
• On the left side of the screen, select “For Workers”;
• Then, click on “Learn more”;
• Scroll down until you find the option “FGTS quick access” and choose “Message via cell phone”;
• In “Messages on your cell phone”, choose “Register your cell phone”;
• Insert your data and that's it!

2. How can I regularize my registration to check my balance online?

If by chance the failure is occurring at the address, there is the possibility of regularizing it through the FGTS application. However, with regard to other possible errors in the registration, it will be necessary to go to a Caixa branch.

Learn how to update data in the app:

• Enter the application;
• On the home screen, select “More”, at the bottom, right side of the screen;
• Click on “Address and personal data”;
• Select “Edit” and enter your data correctly.

3. When can I withdraw my FGTS?

Withdrawal of the FGTS is only allowed in situations guaranteed by law. Some examples are:

• Dismissal without just cause;
• Anniversary withdrawal;
• Buying your own house;
• Serious illness of the holder or his dependents;
• Retirement;
• Death of the worker;
• From 70 years old;

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