MasterChef judge faces bankruptcy and closes restaurants: 'a difficult time'

Those who follow the MasterChef Brasil program know the impeccable judges who are evaluating the candidates. who sees Eric Jacquin, for example, cannot imagine that such a renowned, important and respected chef has gone through some mishaps in life. In the gastronomic trajectory, Jacquin went so far as to declare the bankruptcy of his restaurant La Brasserie.

Eric Jacquin. Photo: Band.

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Declaring bankruptcy is slowly saying goodbye to a dream that took years to build. For the French chef, this was the most difficult phase of his personal and professional life. When asked, Jacquin spoke candidly about what happened before joining the show.

Jacquin declared bankruptcy and managed to reverse the situation

Before joining MasterChef, Jacquin hosted the program Pesadelo na Cozinha, starring scenes of great horror and mess in restaurant kitchens. Most places had conditions unfit for work.

Today, the recording videos are capable of generating good memes, although it was a very complicated experience for the participating restaurants.

At that time, Jacquin says that many people discredited his potential, as he had a negative experience. In an interview given to Band, he said that it would be easier to indicate the right path to follow for other people, as he knew what should not be done.

He faced difficulty paying his employees and later assured that he would need to close the establishment. For him, according to the statement, it was the hardest phase of his entire life.

“It was the most difficult phase of my life, very complicated, but it was over. It's already gone. It's already resolved. It was the most expensive college of my life. I learned a lot what I can't do, what I should do and how to do it. And that's why today I can tell others what it's like”, said chef Jacquin.

He was able to regain financial order and today ensures that all dishes are made to his order. Despite the bad times, Jacquin is one of the best known chefs in the world.

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