Learn how to grow your own tangerine tree at home

A tangerine has many names in various corners of Brazil: tangerine, ponkan, bergamot, mimosa orange or mandarin orange. But there is no way to confuse this citrus fruit with a sweet taste and which is very easy to eat. It is widely consumed in the country and is very beneficial for health, as it has a high content of vitamin C with antioxidant properties and that boosts our immune system.

Furthermore, it is rich in potassium It is fibers, thus, tangerine helps maintain the proper functioning of the intestine. It facilitates the absorption of nutrients, relieves constipation and keeps the feeling of satiety longer. If you want to learn how to plant tangerines at home, then keep reading!

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how to plant

First of all, it is necessary to separate the definitive place for this plant, as it is a tree and requires a larger space to develop. So give preference to places with a good amount of green area, such as gardens and backyards.

The next step is to decide whether you are going to try growing from seed or from a larger seedling. Anyway, our walkthrough includes both ways:

  • Starting with the seeds, you will need to dry them in the sun for a day, then separate a small vase or improvise one with a plastic bag: fill with composted soil and add 2 seeds in a hole 1.5 cm deep;
  • Water very little, just to keep the soil moist, and in 15 days you will see a complete seedling. From that moment on, it is necessary to take the plant to the definitive soil;
  • With the previously defined location, make a hole that covers half of the seedling and transfer it to it. Be very careful not to break its roots and don't forget to fertilize the land before planting it;
  • After this process, water the seedling and maintain a routine of wetting it at least twice a week, in order to preserve the soil always humid.

The tangerine tree grows very quickly, but it usually only starts to bear fruit after two years of age and its production increases every year. The important thing is to go on pruning and nourishing the tree and only remove its fruits when they are ripe.

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