Uber Shuttle: New Uber service is now available

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Uber Shuttle is a service aimed at companies, which aims to transport employees between home and work. This modality is new in Brazil and intends to bring many benefits to its users. Therefore, follow this article and get to know Uber Shuttle!

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What is Uber Shuttle and how does it work

Uber's new modality appears to facilitate the transport of workers in the country and began operating on January 12, 2022. The demand for transportation in Brazil is high and the freight option for transportation is a great deal. Thus, the service is ideal for the moment, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and employee safety.

Uber Shuttle consists of the freight of vehicles by companies to transport their employees from home to work, and vice versa. Displacement is done by means of vans and buses with capacity for up to 50 people.

How does Uber Shuttle work?

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Organizations need to purchase Uber Shuttle services through Uber for Business. Thus, firms charter vehicles with large capacity, which are available to their employees. Workers access Uber Shuttle from their own cell phones, through the traditional Uber platform.

With this service, the company employee chooses the trip and confirms the ride in the application. It is still possible to save a spot on the bus and check the possible routes.

In addition, Uber Shuttle can also notify you of the closest points and the distance to them. It is worth mentioning that the worker does not pay anything for the service, as the companies are responsible for paying off the debts.

The new service provides weekly reports to companies contracting Uber Shuttle, which contain a lot of information, especially on trips. The data allows the institution to adjust the departure times of employees and buses, as well as their quantity.

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