Discover the Secrets of a Bad Person's Personality

Like it or not, human beings are fascinated by evil people. These individuals are the subject of plays, movies, books and even some songs. Many of them become memorable and beloved characters in popular culture. In addition, they are objects of study, where specialists seek to identify their motivations and trace their characteristics, presenting essential points of their lives. Were you curious? Know below what is the personality of a bad person and its secrets.

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In general, it is not very easy to represent such a person in real life. After all, this can be a trait that mixes with several other characteristics of human beings and that can be present in each of us. However, when we talk about someone who appears to be like that by essence, we work with a psychology concept called the “Dark Triad”, which applies to any evil person.

the dark triad

  • Narcissism

Narcissism is an indispensable trait in a bad person's personality. That's because it's a feeling that, when presented in excess, is a clear sign of exacerbated selfishness. In this case, they are people who are generally in constant search for attention, always centering all events around their own navel. Therefore, they believe that others should live according to them.

  • Machiavellianism

Being someone cold is a trait considered essential in the world of business, sports etc. The problem is when this characteristic is mixed with several others that indicate evil, such as ignoring the pain and existence of others. Thus, these individuals end up surrounding their relationships with cynicism to devise strategies that can be considered perverse.

  • Psychopathy

It is impossible to talk about evil without remembering psychopathy, since this is the fundamental element of the triad. People who show a lack of empathy for the other cannot feel pity, pity or understand the impact of their actions on the other, which can cause a lot of distress for those around them.

If you find someone who has these three traits or recognizes himself in this profile, seek psychological counseling and therapy.

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