Who is entitled to FGTS?

the savings of FGTS it can be used in different ways, and generally the jackpot is used to acquire some good, such as reducing the amount of the financing of a car or home. But did you know that it is possible to use FGTS to buy a second property? That's right! Check below the main points needed to learn more about this worker's right.

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What is FGTS?

The FGTS is an abbreviation of “Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço”. This is a mandatory benefit passed on to citizens with a formal employment relationship. It was developed with the main objective of protecting workers with a signed National Employment Card, in situations of unfair dismissal.

This transfer is the worker's right and the employer's duty, and must be deposited monthly with a maximum term of up to the tenth day of each month.

What is the value of the FGTS?

The calculation of the monthly FGTS transfer is based on the employee's gross salary, which must be 8% of this. The deposit of the amount due to the Severance Indemnity Fund should not consider the discounts on the employee's earnings.

Who is entitled to FGTS?

To be entitled to the Guarantee Fund, citizens must have a formal employment relationship in accordance with the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws) regime.

You are entitled to transfer:

  • Public and private sector workers;
  • Domestic servants;
  • Rural workers;
  • Apprentices.

In addition, saffrons who work in the fields only during the harvest season are also entitled to transfer the Fund on a monthly basis during the period.

Situations for using the FGTS

Despite being a worker's right, the FGTS amount can only be withdrawn and used in some specific situations. Some examples are: building, buying, paying off or amortizing a property, making a down payment on the financing of a automobile, extraordinary withdrawal, birthday withdrawal and termination withdrawal, in unfair dismissal situations cause.

However, did you know that it will be possible to use the savings to purchase another property? The possibility is recent, and was included in the new Law Project (PL) approved by Marcel van Hattem. The PL promotes greater use of money, which is a worker's right, for the expansion of their assets.

The PL still needs to be processed by the Legislative power and be sanctioned by the president, but the expectation is that there will be no major complications in this process, which should happen by October 2022.

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