10 Attractive Habits: Learn how to stay interesting in the eyes of others

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While appearance is important to most people, there are other ways to make a statement in certain spaces. In addition to the factors physicists and materials, behavior is fundamental for anyone who wants to be remembered and desired. For this reason, we separate tips on attractive habits for you to put into practice.

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Check out the featured tips

1. make surprises

There's nothing better than being surprised by who we like, right? Receiving some memory suddenly makes the heart fill with happiness. You can be sure that this is an attitude that is marked.

2. Expose your wish 

On many occasions, we end up saying “yes” to certain things that we would like to deny. Highlighting your desire makes the other respect your posture and your wishes. Try it!

3. Be kind even to strangers

Small attitudes in everyday life say a lot about ourselves. Being kind to people who cross your path, in addition to leaving a good impression, does you a lot of good.

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4. Always seek to improve

Instead of focusing on talents or what other people have but you don't, how about looking at all of your skills? Ask yourself what you know or need to learn to improve and grow.

5. update yourself

Try to stay on top of everything that is happening in Brazil and in the world. In a conversation, you will have the opportunity to expose your knowledge. This shows that you are an up-to-date and curious person.

6. Stay calm 

Even in stressful situations when other people are mad at you, always think before you act! Dialogue is always the best way to make these moments more reasonable.

7. make new connections

The practice of talking and meeting new people, in addition to increasing your social cycle, avoids embarrassment, such as at company events, when you are obliged to do so.

8. Organize ideas for your free time

There's always a struggle to find different things to do, even though there are so many options! How about making a list of places and news? It will amaze all your friends when your group gets together.

9. Be grateful

Acknowledging someone's help is something significant, as it demonstrates respect and how humble you are.

10. enjoy the time 

Take time for yourself, then do things that are good for you, because only then will you truly enjoy life and what it has to offer.

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