Want to exercise after 60 without injuries? Avoid these 4 behaviors!

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It is estimated that the Brazilian population will have, by 2030, the fifth population with the highest number of elderly people in the world. Based on this data, the search for the improvement of the fitness for seniors grew considerably and many of them already practice physical activities as a way to improve their health and also socialize.

In this sense, seniors seek gyms, swimming, dancing and even martial arts classes to acquire the benefits of exercising. But, along with the initiative to take care of health, some precautions must be observed to avoid injuries.

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Fitness for seniors: 4 habits that can harm your body

There is no doubt that you recognize the importance of physical activity to improve your body. But be aware of the following behaviors that prevent your evolution in activities.

1. Do only aerobic exercises

Over the years, the percentage of lean muscle mass begins to reduce. In this sense, resisted effort activities, such as bodybuilding or yoga, contribute to increasing muscle mass.

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However, if you only perform aerobic activities, such as running, in addition to increasing the chances of injury, does not build the muscle strength needed to prevent falls and other accidents common in this range age.

2. lack of stretching

Do you remember how easy it was to perform certain movements as a child or young person? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to climb a 60-year-old door?

The difficulty happens due to the evolution of joint stiffness. Thus, skipping stretches before and after physical activity is not beneficial for your body.

If you like it or want to try it, practice yoga a few times a week. This is a great physical activity to improve body awareness, joint flexibility and mental health.

3. Perform only machine exercises

While doing aerobic exercises alone is an incomplete way to exercise, doing weight training only with machines is also not indicated.

After all, it is necessary to vary the exercises, using other equipment such as dumbbells, bands, shin guards and your own body weight. Ask your instructor for help building a creative workout.

4. Improper execution of the movement

Carrying out activities without paying due attention to how they are performed can also be detrimental to the health of your joints.

After all, incorrect execution, in addition to overloading some region of the body, compromises the results of your workouts.

Remembering that the tips above are fundamental for people over 60, but apply to everyone.


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