Auction of objects that were held up at the post office is open for registration

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On July 12th, in São Paulo, the Mail will hold another auction of items that could not be delivered to the recipients and ended up withheld at the branches, called refuse. More than 97 million items will be distributed, according to the company, in 10 batches.

Among the offers are items related to computers, electronic devices, vehicle accessories, clothing, home furnishings, games, books and other exclusive items.

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Auction of objects that were held up in agencies is open to registration for those interested

For those who are interested in participating in the auction that Correios will hold, it is necessary first of all to pre-register in the Bidding platform of the Bank of Brazil. According to the announcement, anyone can bid electronically, facilitating the progress of the entire process.

In addition, it is also possible to visit the lots before the ceremony. If the person is interested, he can observe the items that will be stored at the Correios logistics unit in Cajamar, São Paulo. However, it is necessary to be aware of the rules so that visits can take place. Those interested need to be aware that they will only be able to look at the objects until the day before the auction, that is, until July 11, by prior appointment by telephone. The number provided by the Post Office is: (11) 4313-9452.

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Understand better what are the objects that will be auctioned

Some people may not know it, but auctions for items that cannot be delivered to recipients by the Post Office is not uncommon. In this way, postal objects are categorized as refuse, when there are many failures in the attempt to deliver them to recipients, who do not go to agencies to question their whereabouts. According to the Consumer Defense Code, after expiration of the right to claim, items lose ownership.

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