How to prevent memory loss as you age?

as we go growing old, we may notice that some things are harder to remember. But is there any method to prevent this age-related memory loss? A recent study was conducted and published in cientific magazine NEJM Evidence, seeking to find answers to this question.

The study analyzed 107 people who are over 70 years old and have some cognitive difficulty. Those analyzed underwent training, in which some played cognitive games and others performed crossword puzzles. And the study came to the conclusion that crosswords helped more in memory loss than games.

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Follow-up of the participants took place for 12 weeks, and then the analysis continued for another 78 weeks, with sessions held at home, in order to seek to reinforce the cognitive stimulus provided by the activities. In this way, it remained verified that the participants who did crosswords had better results than those who had to play.

The analyzed outcomes were a cognitive test, called the ADAS-Cog, taken at weeks 12 and 78. Daily questions were also asked to the participants, the so-called FAQ, which proved to be more useful for the participants in more advanced stages of the disease, even if the methods were the same in the first stages.

One more positive point of the crosses was that they caused less shrinkage of the participants' brains, which was measured by MRI and analyzed again after 78 weeks.

However, it is also important to emphasize that some types of games can train the mind for other situations, such as focus, vision, spatial skills, reflexes and also working memory. Thus, it is not as if the video game were a villain, since, when used in a moderate and controlled way, it can bring many benefits to everyday life.

Finally, the recommendation remains that, if you want to keep your memory and cognitive functions healthy for longer as you get closer to old age, do crossword puzzles.

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