INSS must cancel benefits in the next 150 days

The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) is responsible for paying millions of benefits to Brazilians. In this sense, the autarchy established that a revision and, in this way, the INSS will cancel benefits in the next 150 days, but only for those who have some irregularity in the maintenance of resources.

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Cancellation of INSS benefit payments

Cancellations are due, above all, to the large contingent of undue benefits passed on to policyholders who have already died. According to the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), if only insured persons who died in 2021 are considered, there are about 8,500 benefits being granted irregularly.

With this in mind, the TCU established that the INSS will implement the Benefit Payment System manual (Sispagben), which briefly seeks to help solve problems related to undue transfers still performed. Currently, the institute has more than 36 million policyholders.

Reasons that can lead to the cancellation of your benefit

Several reasons can lead to the suspension or even the cancellation of a benefit, so we list the most common reasons that can lead a person to lose INSS transfers. So, check it out below and stay tuned to keep your situation always regular:

  1. Do not transfer INSS resources for a period of two months (60 full days), as in this situation the institute understands that the insured in question “does not need” the money, and therefore suspends payments;
  2. Having the data reported to the Single Registry out of date (this is especially important in the case of assistance benefits such as the Continuous Provision Benefit/Loas);
  3. Failure to attend the medical examination on the scheduled date, place and time (except on justified occasions), because carrying out this procedure is mandatory in the case of benefits granted due to incapacity or deficiency;
  4. When the duration of the death benefit expires. After all, it's not always that the benefit is lifetime;
  5. Continue working in activities considered harmful to health after receiving special retirement;
  6. In cases of verification of fraud for granting or maintaining the benefit;
  7. Accumulation of pensions. Know that it is not allowed to receive two benefits of this nature at the same time, so one of them will be cancelled.

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