Use the 50/30/20 rule to stay out of credit card debt

In August, the number of indebted families rose to 79%, according to the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism, adding up the total number of households in the country. O credit card remains the main form of debt, with 85.3% last month, the same percentage as in July, but 3.5 percentage points lower than that recorded in April.

Read more: Check out the most researched banks when it comes to credit cards

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As a result, the number of searches for retailers' own cards or for booklets as a credit modality has grown very recently. Thus, in the last four months, the indebtedness in the booklets increased to 19.8%.

Many credit card users find it tempting to pay their card debt in installments and leave it for the month. following, but this practice can lead to financial lack of control, as they are no longer able to control the situation and the debt only increases. This happens because the credit card fee is one of the highest and most expensive in the world.

But there is no need to despair! Serasa specialists separated some tips and guidelines so that credit card users do not go into default. For this, they need to analyze their financial life and find ways to organize their expenses so as not to get into debt.

Take care of due dates

In order not to generate debts and dirty your name with the SPC or Serasa, the payment of the card must be up to date. This will allow your credit to increase and rates, interest and installments to be better and with longer terms.

Number of credit cards

There is no limited number of cards that a person can have. However, it is important that she has an idea of ​​the expenses and that she understands the need to use each one and knows how to manage it well. to not go over your limit and make the payment for each card on the correct expiration date, so that there is no delay.

Monitor the CPF

Maintaining a good status in your CPF is important, as it will make it easier when it comes to increasing or getting more credit or financing. Serasa Limpa Nome is a great tip for anyone who wants to settle their debts with the opportunity to get discounts that can reach up to 90%, and thus regularize the CPF.

use the benefits

Using receipts such as the 13th salary and the emergency withdrawal from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) to pay off your debts is a good tip.

Use the 50/30/20 rule

There is a well-known rule in the world of finance, which is the 50/30/20 rule. It has the following division: use 50% in essential expenses, that is, rent, food and basic bills; 30% on variable expenses such as credit card and family leisure; and 20% should be saved for emergencies.

write down the expenses

Keeping your financial life organized is of paramount importance. Keep track of your expenses, always keep a note of the amount and date to be paid, and what was spent. With that in order, it's easier not to fall into oblivion and end up getting into an ever-increasing debt.

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