Make a Banana Smoothie to Lower Cholesterol

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Banana from the land, silver, apple, nanica and gold are some of the types of banana present in Brazil. Rich in potassium and various carbohydrates, this fruit can be an excellent source of energy for our body. However, each type has a certain degree of nutrients.

According to nutritionists, eating five servings of fruit a day is ideal. It is recommended, for example, to eat two to three bananas a day. This amount provides 60 kcal per fruit.

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Some properties of banana

Banana is rich in properties, among the best known is its amount of potassium, which helps athletes, as it avoids those famous cramps after training. In addition, it helps in controlling blood pressure, as it eliminates excess sodium in the body.

It is also an ally in diets, as it has a low glycemic index. That is, in the process of metabolization, the banana quickly turns into fuel for muscle cells. Therefore, it is a great pre-workout option.

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Even green bananas can be used in recipes, as they already protect the stomach wall in this state, helping people suffering from heartburn and gastritis.

Banana smoothie with oats

Using banana to make a delicious smoothie is also a great option. How about preparing a banana smoothie with oats? The recipe is very simple: reserve a banana, two tablespoons of oatmeal and a glass of milk, blend everything in a blender and enjoy!

Oats have fibers that aid digestion and absorb fat. The banana, in turn, acts with its vitamins. It has vitamin C, which absorbs iron and ensures the maintenance of immunity. In addition, the presence of vitamin B6, linked to magnesium, is capable of synthesizing serotonin, the main substance responsible for well-being. Like the idea? How about using it as a pre-workout?
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