Indiretti complement: partitive, di quantità and di rapporto

Meaning: / Meaning: * “Quelli che si uniscono al verb o ad altre parti of the discourse per mezzo di preposizioni semplici o articolate; sono tutti i complementi (di specificazione, di finish, di luogo, di tempo ecc.) diversi dal complement oggetto (the diretto)”. / ‘Those who join the verb or other parts of the speech through simple or articulated prepositions. They are all complements (of specification, indirect object, place, time, etc.), unlike the complement object (or direct object)’.

*Definition taken from the site

Indirect complement: partitive / Indirect complement: partitive

The indirect partitive complement is that which indicates the specifica a tutto di cui si considers releasing a part. It is important to know that this complement will always respond to alle domande – tra chi?, tra che cosa?. Note agli esempi le preposizioni che introduce it: tra (fra), di. / The partitive indirect complement is one that indicates or specifies a whole of which only a part is considered. Important to know that this add-on will always answer the questions: among whom? Between what? Note, in the examples, the prepositions that introduce it: enter, from.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Sai dire chi dear Have you seen Carlo Ieri? / Can you tell who of them saw Carlo yesterday?

2) Chi di voi do you know Maria and Giulia? / Who of you knows Maria and Giulia?

3) All cardiology is one tra i migliori. / In cardiology he is among the best.

4) Alla cucina Maria is one tra le smart. / In the kitchen Maria is among the experts.

Indirect complement: di quantità / Indirect complement: quantity

The complement of the quantity is anche noto eats the complement of the misura, già che indicates distance, misura, stretch, weight, ma anche può stabilize how much any oppure qualcuno is più large più piccolo, inferior and superior ad un altro or altra sesspressa nel I contest. She is attentive to alle domande che rispode il complement – ​​how much is?, di how much?, for how much?. È introdotto always dalle preposizioni: per, di, a. Vedi gli esempi. / The quantity complement is also known as the dimension complement, as it indicates distance, measure (dimension), extension, weight, but it can also establish how much something or someone is bigger or smaller, inferior or superior to another, or the other thing expressed in the context. Be aware of the questions that answer the add-on: how much? How much? For what? It is introduced by the prepositions: to, from, to. See the examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Il mare dei fiori si stendeva per dieci meter sulla strada. / The sea of ​​flowers stretched ten meters along the road.

2) Il pilota fu superato the dieci chilometri dall'arrivo. / The pilot was passed ten kilometers from the finish.

3) The building cui abita Maria is five meters più piccolo di quello che abita Giulia. / The building where Maria lives is five meters smaller than the one where Giulia lives.

4) Abbiamo visa a botte che conteneva ottanta liter divine. / We saw a cask that contained eighty liters of wine.

Attention! / Heads up!

Complement of quantity, rispetto by weight, non viene introdotto dalle preposizioni. / The complement of quantity, with respect to weight, is not introduced by prepositions.

Indirect complement: di rapporto / Indirect complement: relationship

See this as Complemento indirect di Rapporto, si può nominarlo anche come Complemento indirect di Relazione. Risponde alle domande – tra chi?, tra quali cose?. Osserva che è introdotto dalle preposizioni: tra (fra), con. Vedi gli esempi. / In addition to being known as an indirect complement to a relationship, it can also be called an indirect complement to a bond. Answer the questions: among whom? Among which things? Note that it is introduced by the prepositions: enter, with. See the examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Tra Giulia and Carla c’è una great amicizia. / Between Giulia and Carla there is a great friendship.

2) Giuseppina has a good rapport with your boss. / Giuseppina has a good relationship with her boss.

3) Cè stat a casino brown hair. / There was a confusion between them.

4) Always ha avuto un ottimo rapporto I meowed. / I've always had a great relationship with my parents.

Hot! / Tips!

Vedi al sito gli altri testi sul complement indiretto! / See other texts on indirect complement on the website!

Indiretti complement: di abbondanza, di allontanamento and di argomento”, “Indiretti complement: di colpa and pen, di denominazione e di età”, “Indiretti complement: di fine, di materia and di qualità”, “Complementi indirect: distance, distributive and esclusione”, “Indiretti complement: motorbike da luogo and motorbike per luogo”, “Indirect complement: di causa, di compagnia and di unione”, “Indirect complement: di mezzo and di Modo”, “Indirect complement: di luogo”, “Indirect complement: di tempo”, “I complemented frasali”, “I added indirect: di specificazione e di finish”, “Puntate da riconoscere i complementi di luogo.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Source: Brazil School -

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