Understand the meaning of tattoos on Egyptian women!

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In archaeological investigative research, two researchers from the Universities of Missouri at Saint Louis and Johns Hopkins, discovered evidence of tattoos on the bodies of women who lived in Egypt thousands of years ago. years. After the evaluations, the authors published an article in The Journal of Egyptian Archeology. They characterized the tattoos and described their assumptions about their meanings on women's bodies.

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Do you know about the history of Egypt?

Deir Almedina, a village in the ancient egypt, next to Nilo river, was discovered in 1920 by archaeologists. According to scholars, the city was in operation during the years 1550 to 1070 BC. W. In this city lived artisan women and men who were responsible for building tombs for royalty. The construction of this village was planned with the residents who would live there in mind.

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The discovery of the tattoos took place when the researchers were analyzing the mummies found in the city. Two female mummies from the village were under study, whose tombs had been looted and one of them was unwrapped. Archaeologists were assessing the mummified skin when they came across the tattoos.

They identified representations of a bowl, as in a purification ritual, and one of Bes, who is an Egyptian god who protects women and children, especially at the time of childbirth.

Credit: Anne Austin/University of Missouri-St.

Unlike the first, the second mummy was analyzed still wrapped as it is currently done. For this, archaeologists used infrared photography. The results showed that this was a middle-aged woman who also had a tattoo. Hers was a wedjat (Horace's eye) and like the first a Bes, but wearing a crown made of feathers. A zigzag line was also identified as a representation of the swamp that women used to go to relieve the pain of childbirth.

Some clay images were also evaluated and it was possible to identify that in them the women had the figure of Bes in the lower back and upper thighs.

The conclusion of the study is that the use of these tattoos represented for the ancient people a request for protection during childbirth.


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