A new course, free of charge, was launched by the company Aevo, which is responsible for taking care of innovative management at Nestlé, BASF Ambev, among others.
The duration of the project is four hours and is divided into seven modules, discussing various subjects, such as, for example: the meaning of a open innovation, the challenges faced to achieve innovative projects and new partners, as well as bold strategies in search of better results. In addition, well-known and successful brands will be present as a source of experience.
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Mentoring the classes will be in charge of Flávio Marques, director of Aevo, in which he is a specialist in innovation through the University of Berkeley, California, and the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV).
It is worth mentioning that the course is aimed at those workers who seek innovation and product, or leaders who are interested in training their employees through the culture of open innovation.
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