List of exercises about fish

You fishare vertebrate animals that live in fresh water or salty, have an ectothermic and fusiform body.

Most of these animals have fins or flippers, however, they may be absent in some species.

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The body of fish is supported by bones or cartilage, they have gills or gills to breathe the oxygen which is dissolved in water.

We prepared a list of exercises about fish so you can test your knowledge about these aquatic animals.

You can consult the feedback and save this list of exercises in PDF at the end of the post!

Exercises about fish

1) (UFRR) The South American fish (Lepidosiren sp.) is found in the Amazon Basin, breathes atmospheric oxygen and if it cannot reach the surface of the water to swallow air (as shown in the figure below extracted from Liem et al. 2012), ends up drowning.

Exercises - Pisces 1
Among the alternatives below, which group of fish has this way of breathing?

a) Agnathus.
b) Manatee.
c) Chondrictes.
d) Actinopterygium.
e) Dipnoic.

2) (UNIVAG) The aorta artery is a large blood vessel that receives blood from a ventricle of the heart. The animal that should be a guinea pig in order to extract only venous blood directly from an aorta artery is:

a) the chicken.
b) the shark.
c) the mouse.
d) the frog.
e) the turtle.

3) Fish are animals that live in the aquatic environment. Analyze the alternatives below and mark the one that does not indicate a characteristic that favors the movement of these animals in the aquatic environment.

a) Hydrodynamic form.
b) Presence of scales.
c) Presence of mucus.
d) Presence of fins.
e) Presence of claspers.

4) (UFRGS) Recife is considered the capital of shipwrecks in Brazil, due to the large number of submerged ships available to divers.

Consider the following statements regarding the local consequences brought about by these events.

I – Vessels allow the establishment of a food chain and ecological relationships between marine species.
II – Adult crustaceans cannot attach themselves to the surface of vessels.
III – Cartilaginous fish can use these areas as a refuge and habitat, as they have a swim bladder.

Which ones are correct?

a) I only.
b) II only.
c) III only.
d) Only I and III.
e) I, II and III.

5) Of the structures described below, which one is not present in cartilaginous fish, such as sharks and rays?

a) Fin.
b) Gills.
c) Lateral line.
d) Swim bladder.
e) Complete digestive system.

6) (UEM) It's not a legend: electric fish exist and they do have the ability to shock even with high voltage. They exist in Brazil and are also known as “poraquê” (in Tupi, it means “what you put to sleep”). On the subject, mark what is correct.

01) The poraquê scales detect environmental stimuli and convert them into mechanical energy.
02) The why can be compared to a pile.
04) The electric current generated by the poraquê is continuous.
08) When stimulated, the specialized poraquê cells simultaneously discharge an action potential similar to that of neurons.
16) The specialized cells are positioned like batteries in parallel, thus adding their potentials, releasing a considerable discharge.

7) (UCS) The most diverse and abundant group of vertebrates is fish. They have different body shapes and inhabit many environments, from cold waters to warm waters, fresh or salty and, due to this difference in habitats, they also have different life strategies, depending on the selective pressures to which they were exposed during the evolution. Mark the correct alternative regarding fish.

a) Cartilaginous fish, such as lampreys and chimeras, have a jaw and skeleton formed exclusively by cartilage, which differentiates them from bony fish.
b) The elasmobranchs are all oviparous, that is, the females eliminate the eggs, which develop in the water.
c) The heart of fish consists of four chambers, two atria and two ventricles, similar to the heart of mammals.
d) Bony fish, as well as cartilaginous fish, are dioecious, that is, they have separate sexes in different individuals.
e) The swim bladder, present in both cartilaginous and bony fish, aids in buoyancy and can also collaborate with gas exchange in some species of elasmobranchs.

8) (ENEM) The phenomenon of piracema (rising of the river) is an important mechanism that influences the reproduction of some species of fish, therefore, induces the process that stimulates the burning of fat and activates complex hormonal mechanisms, preparing them for the reproduction. Anthropogenic interventions in aquatic environments, such as the construction of dams, interfere with the reproduction of these animals. Malta, p. Environmental impact of hydroelectric dams. Available in: Accessed: May 10, 2013. [adapted]

This anthropic intervention harms piracema because it reduces (a):

a) route of migration.
b) longevity of individuals.
c) food availability.
d) period of migration of the species.
e) number of fish species on site.

9) (UPE) When references are made to fish, one might mistakenly think that the only difference found between them is the habitat, since some inhabit fresh waters and others salt waters. However, there are many features that set them apart. Note the following statements:

I – The hagfish is a current representative of primitive fish, which, because they do not have jaws, cannot feed on larger prey or chew the hard parts of these prey.
II – The shark represents a class of fish, which has a firm but adaptable skeleton, called cartilaginous, and articulated fins with ample movement.
III – Primitive bony fish developed gas pockets, which supplemented the action of the gills and perfected the control of fluctuation, currently found only in lungfish.
IV – Descendants of fish with articulated fins, they became, over time, more adapted to life on land, which gave rise to tetrapods.

They are correct, only:

a) I and II.
b) II and III.
c) I and IV.
d) II and IV.
e) III and IV.

10) (UEPG) Mark what is correct about the characteristics present in the classes Chondricthyes and Actinopterygii.

01) In actinopterygians, important excretory structures, such as the lateral line, have the function of regulating internal ammonia levels, contributing to osmoregulation in these animals.
02) Sharks have placoid scales on their epidermis, which are made up of calcified organic material, dentin. In the inner region of the scales, in the region called the pulp, there are blood vessels and nerve endings.
04) Among the representatives of cartilaginous fish we can mention sharks, sharks, rays and chimeras, which have a skeleton entirely made up of cartilage. Most members are carnivorous and have well-developed jaws.
08) Breathing in bony fish is cutaneous, allowing recurrent gas exchange in the aquatic environment. The circulatory system is open and gases circulate freely between tissues and the bloodstream.


1 and
2 — b
3 — and
4 — the
5 — d

6 — 02, 04 and 08
7 — d
8 — the
9 — c
10 - 02 and 04

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See too:

  • List of exercises about mammals
  • List of exercises about insects
  • List of exercises on vertebrates

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