Hangman: Guess the fruit with 9 letters

Do you consider yourself a good person at recognizing words? so see this challenge and guess the fruit in that hangman game. In this case, it is a fruit that has nine letters, and to help you with this game, we have separated some tips to recognize it.

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What fruit?

Hangman game.

In the hangman game, we need to guess which word the organizer chose by means of some letters. Thus, for each wrong letter, a part of a doll is drawn under the gallows, so that when the drawing is completed, the doll will be “hanged” and the player loses.

But don't worry, there are some tips that will help you to know which word you need to find. Starting with the main tip, which is that the word in the game is a fruit, whose name has 9 letters. Now, on to the other tips.

first tip

It is a fruit that is generally grown in the southern region of the country, as it adapts better to the cold climate. To make it even easier, you can find below some letters that make up the name of this fruit.

Hangman game.

second tip

It is a fruit that is part of the group of red fruits, precisely because it has a reddish tone, which can be lighter or darker, depending on whether it is ripe or not. Now, look at some more letters to help you figure out what the word is.

Hangman game.

third tip

Generally, when ripe, this fruit is very sweet and very juicy, so it is great for making sweets, especially jellies. Haven't guessed yet? Then check out the full word below!

challenge answer

It's the raspberry, that delicious fruit that many people don't eat often, but which has an irresistible flavor. Now, look for other challenges to keep exercising your brain until you become an expert in the hangman game.

Hangman game.

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