You in Blue: Caixa campaign wants to settle customer debts

Many Brazilians go through complicated situations in the face of debts and lack of money to resolve pending matters. With that in mind, Caixa Econômica Federal launched last Thursday, the 6th, its newest campaign. You at Azul offer customers discounts of up to 90% so that they can settle their debts. The project will cover both natural and legal persons. See how to participate.

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Know the campaign

To theactionsincludecontractsfor4 million physical customers and 396 thousand customers corporate.More than 80% of people will be able to pay debtsin up to a thousand real.

“We have sought to deepen our activities more and more so that Brazilians have a clean name. This is an important campaign that helps with a fresh start, people sometimes have difficulties. We give this boost, which traditionally happens every year. Since 2017, Caixa has carried out a credit recovery campaign, encouraging those who want to pay any type of loan in cash of credit, except housing and agro", said Daniella Marques, president of the bank, during the launch of the campaign that took place in São Paul.

The novelty in this campaign is the expansion of renegotiation offers through digital channels. Approximately 70% of the offers of the “Você no Azul 2022” campaign are available for execution on the bank's website, through the application and through WhatsApp Caixa (0800 104 0104).

“This year's “You in Blue” campaign will lead to a more digital service and over 70% of the 7 million contracts are likely to be renegotiated directly through Caixa's website or through our applications, that is, the digital channel will greatly simplify this service, part of this public that would go to a Caixa branch to be able to carry out a normal renegotiation transaction", highlighted the vice-president, Júlio Volpi.

How it works?

The available contracts that are being negotiated will be removed from the restrictive credit registers within 5 working days after the signature of the contract through the payment of the bank slip.

“From the moment the debt is paid, within five business days it will be removed from the registers. There are 4 million individual customers and approximately 400 thousand corporate customers who meet the campaign requirements”, pointed out the vice president. A campaign he follows until December 29 throughout the country.

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