Guess the Brazilian capital by its nicknames: 26 curious challenges!

In informal contexts, it is common to identify the 26 Brazilian capitals by alternative ways, in addition to the official names. Each capital has at least one nickname, although some are not as well known. Even the most popular ones, such as 'Cidade Maravilhosa' and 'Terra da Garoa', have their origins little known by most people.

Next, we present the nicknames of Brazilian capitals and their respective meanings.

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Unraveling the nicknames of Brazilian capitals

From North to South, each capital has its nickname. Find out what they are:

1. capital of nature

Rio Branco, capital of Acre, has an immense green area, and this is highly valued in the place. For this reason, the city became known as the “capital of nature”.

2. city ​​of hoses

Filled with fully loaded hoses, Belém-PA received the title of “city of hoses”.

3. drizzle land

São Paulo is one of the best-known cities in the world, earning the famous nickname 'Land of Drizzle' in the 20th century, due to the frequent drizzles that characterized it.

In addition to this, it is common to refer to the city by the nickname 'Sampa', the title of a song by Caetano Veloso in honor of the place.

4. Garden City

The city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, is famously known for valuing and respecting green spaces. The metropolis has several structures integrated with nature, such as gardens and natural parks.

5. youngest of the capitals

The state of Tocantins was “born” in 1988, which makes it the newest federative unit in Brazil. As a result, its capital, Palmas, became known as the “youngest capital city”.

6. brazilian caribbean

Maceió, in Alagoas, is known for its beautiful and well-preserved beaches, which stand out for their crystalline waters. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to attribute it the nickname of ‘Brazilian Caribbean’.

7. Macapaba

The city of Macapá, Amapá, is known as 'Land of Bacaba', a typical fruit of the region. The nickname ‘Macapaba’ results from the combination of the name of the city with that of the fruit.

8. Brazilian Jamaica

São Luís, in Maranhão, is famous for its venues dedicated to music, where the Reggae genre is the main highlight. This, combined with the great racial diversity of the city, earned the northeastern capital the nickname of ‘Brazilian Jamaica’

9. paris of the tropics

The significant investments made in Manaus-AM resulted in several luxurious constructions and a highly developed infrastructure. Thus, the city earned the nickname 'Paris of the Tropics'.

10. capital of joy

By presenting an out-of-the-ordinary revelry, especially during Carnival, the people of Salvador, Bahia, marked the capital as the land of joy.

11. bride of the sun

Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, is the city with the most days of solar lighting in Brazil. That is, almost a marriage with the Sun, hence the nickname.

12. capital of cerrado

Since the cerrado is the dominant biome in the state of Goiás, nothing fairer than giving the capital, Goiânia, the title of ‘capital of the cerrado’.

13. Cuiabrasa

Cuiabá, in Mato Grosso, has high temperatures throughout the year, making it the hottest capital in Brazil.

14. BV

Boa Vista-RR is known as BV, a simple abbreviation of its initials.

15. Poa

‘Poa’ is an affectionate and abbreviated way of referring to Porto Alegre-RS.

16. Madeira Pearl

In the past, Porto Velho-RO was known for the abundance of ores and exploration activities close to the Madeira River, which runs through the states of Amazonas and Rondônia.

17. Honey Island

Originally, Vitória-ES was called 'Guananira', which in tupi means 'Honey Island'.

18. Land of Light

Fortaleza-CE, also nicknamed 'Fortal', is known as 'Land of Light' because Ceará, at the time still a province, was the pioneer state in the abolition of slavery.

19. Wonderful city

The city of Rio de Janeiro-RJ, known for its stunning landscapes, was already enchanting during the colonial era. It is often considered the 'most beautiful city in the world'.

20. Magic Island

Florianópolis-SC is full of folkloric legends, mainly related to witches and sorceresses.

21. Portal do Sol

João Pessoa-PB, also known as ‘Jampa’, is famous for being the site of the ‘first sunrise’ on the continent. This is due to the fact that the capital is home to the easternmost point of Brazil and America, Ponta dos Seixas.

22. Brazilian Venice

Like the famous Italian Venice, Recife-PE is 'cut' by rivers. In the case of the capital of Pernambuco, the Beberibe and Capibaribe rivers cross it.

23. help

Aracaju-SE is often referred to by ‘Aju’, a shortened form of its name.

24. Terehell

Teresina-PI is known for its high temperatures, often considered unbearable. The combination of the first two syllables of the name of the capital with the word 'hell' (hell in English), gives rise to its nickname, referring to the intense heat.

25. Capital Morena

Campo Grande-MS is known as 'Capital Morena' due to the darker tone of its lands.

26. smile city

Although many see Curitiba-PR as a place with more reserved people, the visual aspect of the city, mainly its green area, is the reason why it is known as 'Cidade Sorriso'.”

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