Workers seek resources to receive salary allowance from PIS/Pasep

Recently, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security received some requests for administrative appeals, these coming from workers who did not obtain the salary allowance of PIS/Pasep in 2022. In this sense, the request for payment could be made through the Regional Superintendence of Labor.

Workers who believed they had the right to receive the salary bonus had until April to contact the folder for the appeal. Apparently, the government expects to respond to everyone within 45 days, enough time to analyze the requests.

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Thus, the payment of the PIS salary bonus, which has a base year of 2020, began to be released in mid-February, being available until December 29 of that year. Around 23 million workers benefited.

Who is entitled to the salary allowance?

According to the requirements, the right to receive the salary bonus is directed to those who received up to two salaries monthly minimums with a formal contract, and also have a record of paid activity for at least 30 days in 2020.

Thus, the individual must be enrolled in the PIS/Pasep for a period exceeding five years and have his information updated by the employer in the Annual Social Information List (Rais).

The payment calendar was configured to take into account the month of birth, in the case of private workers, and the end of enrollment, in the case of public workers.

Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.

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