The three public universities in São Paulo – University of São Paulo (USP), University of Campinas (Unicamp) and State University Paulista (Unesp) – are implementing a new admission model for students in the last year of high school in São Paulo public schools Paul.
This is the Provão Paulista, an exam that will be held for the first time in November in all public schools in the state.
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What will Provão Paulista be like?
Still no set date, the exam will follow the model of Enem and other entrance exams, consisting of multiple choice questions in various areas and an essay.
According to the State Department of Education of São Paulo, around 10,000 vacancies are offered through this exam. However, the participating institutions themselves may define the number of vacancies made available for this selection process.
In addition, the Provão will also be applied to students in the first and second year of high school to compose an accumulated score. In this sense, from 2024, the grades of the two years will be considered to define those who will enter the University.
From 2025 onwards, assessments made in the three grades will be taken into account to define student rankings.
During a meeting of the University Council, the unesp announced joining the Vestibular Paulista Série from 2024.
Of the 3,854 vacancies destined for public schools, 980 will be offered through ProvaPaulista, corresponding to 12.76% of the total vacancies in the institution's 136 courses. Among them, 343 will be reserved for self-declared black, brown and indigenous students.
In addition, the Universidade Estadual Paulista explained that the less popular courses will have a proportion higher number of vacancies offered, following the format: 10% for the most popular courses and 30% for the least wanted.
At USP, the admission of students occurred through the entrance exam of the University Foundation for the Vestibular (Fuvest) and through the Selection Process Enem-USP.
In the case of the latter, the Unified Selection System (SISU) of the Ministry of Education (MEC) is no longer used, a decision taken last year.
The University now uses its own platform, also coordinated by Fuvest. However, there is still no detailed information on admission through the serial entrance exam at USP.
already in unicamp, students are admitted mainly through their own entrance exam and the Enem-Unicamp selection process, also using their own system.
In addition, there are vacancies for selections based on performance in scientific Olympiads and knowledge competitions, as well as an indigenous entrance exam. There is also no official information about adherence to the serial entrance exam.