Personality test: pick a heart and learn more about yourself

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The tests of personality they can be a lot of fun and help as an informative pastime, since with them we can discover some personal traits that sometimes go unnoticed. You can still share friends and family, to talk about the results obtained and try to understand a little more about each other.

Read more: Personality test: first impressions say a lot about you

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In addition, they help in the development and personal evolution of each one, being a great psychological exercise, and they are still very easy, cool and curious to perform.

heart personality test

This test below consists of choosing one of the six hearts, based on what caught your attention the most, sincerely. So, just below the image we will have the answers about some personality traits that can help you think and reflect a little more about these aspects of yourself.

That said, pick a heart:

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Source: Informe Brasil


Now that you've chosen one of the six hearts, look at the results.

Heart 1

Everything for you is interesting, which makes you a very special individual. In addition, you tend to be very curious and have an imposing personality. Still, there may be many details about yourself that you don't know well.

heart 2 

You are liked by everyone in your social circle. That's because you are very careful, affectionate and sweet with those you know. However, it can be a little uncomfortable with people you don't know.

heart 3

You are completely unselfish, sometimes putting those you love above yourself, which can be detrimental to you. In addition, you are very protective, fun and create friendships without any difficulty.

Heart 4

You remain positive regardless of the situation and moment in which you find yourself. Like a well cared for flower, even when you go through difficulties, you bloom again.

Heart 5

You are a very empathetic person, who values ​​the feelings of others, always seeking to help when you can. So your heart is kind and that's what you offer the people around you.

heart 6

Finally, if you have chosen this heart, it means that you feel sensitive or weak, but in reality you are only demonstrating your fears and your humanity. This feeling stems from his behavior being a bit invasive or harsh for some people.

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