ChatGPT, technology that performs faster and larger numbers of services

Technology has been taking over the world with its innovations and news, with that, human assistance is being abandoned and people stop working in certain functions. A ChatGPT technology performs faster and in greater quantity calls. See more!

Technology x humans

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As many know, technology has advanced more and more and, with that, functions that were previously performed by people are being automated. Many companies are choosing to use ChatGPT to carry out these calls.

People then, when they request or try to perform a service, are served with chatbots, but that does not mean that the services are good and that they are satisfied with the interaction.

What happens is that no technology will replace human and humanized care. Most people have not liked being answered automatically by robots.

The idea of ​​businessmen when inserting chatbots was not to need to depend on human work, starting to have faster and greater amounts of assistance. Robotized service optimize the service of companies.

However, what draws attention is the fact that people are not enjoying this type of service. It turns out that the options are limited in chatbots, meaningless and still do not allow customers to clear their doubts and create relationships with the attendants.

Based on this understanding, large, medium or small companies seek to understand the importance of services performed by people and not by machines/robots.

B2B Platform

Different from ChatGPT, this is a technology that allows personalized human service for communication, in which it is possible to register behaviors and intentions of the clients, so that the productivity of the team also improves and is not affected.

WhatsApp as a communication tool

In the pandemic, this tool was the most used by people, becoming a very important application for communication. After all the events involving the covid-19 pandemic, companies began to communicate via WhatsApp.

The tool is essential to resolve calls faster. In addition, large and small companies use the application as a way to facilitate the management of business and work.

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