5 signs most likely to get involved in toxic relationships

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Sadly, almost all of us have been in a toxic relationship, whether it's between romantic partners, family, or even friends. In this sense, some signs are more likely to get involved in this type of situation and find it very difficult to break free. Check out the list we prepared with the signs they usually have toxic relationships.

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Signs that are more likely to get involved in toxic relationships

Some characteristics in common make some signs easier to manipulate, attached and difficult to end cycles. All of this together makes them subject to bad relationships.

1. Cancer

When Cancerians give themselves away, it's for real. The problem is that Cancer is a very needy and attached sign. Therefore, the natives of this sign often end up getting into toxic relationships, in which they are manipulated and suffer a lot for not being able to end the cycle of abuse.

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2. Capricorn

Capricorn is a sign of the earth element, which means that they seek stability and, in addition, they are very stubborn. It is precisely stubbornness that makes Capricorns insist on failed relationships, which become toxic for them.

3. Scorpion

Scorpios are extremely intense and loving, but they have a bad tendency to get along with toxic people. However, the natives of this sign do not usually stay down, as they always find a way to get revenge. The problem is that from this cycle the relationship can turn into a real hell.

4. Lb

Libra people fall in love easily, so they often end up getting into toxic relationships without realizing it, and when they realize it, it's too late. Being a sign that avoids conflicts, Libras can stay in failed relationships longer than necessary just to avoid fights and confusion.

5. Fish

Because they are very sensitive, it is common for Pisces natives to get involved in toxic relationships and not realize that they are being manipulated. In addition, Pisceans are easily deceived and always try to see the bright side of things, which makes it difficult for them to end relationships, even if they are terrible for them.

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