Tea consumption can be part of a healthy diet, study finds

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O tea It is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and has a number of health benefits. However, in recent years, much has been said about the possible negative effects of tea drinking, but a new study has shown that this drink can be part of healthy diets. Keep reading this article and understand.

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Is tea consumption good for health? What does science say?

O study, carried out in the United Kingdom, was published in August of this year in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine and aimed to evaluate the associations of tea consumption with all-cause and cause-specific mortality and modification of the potential effect by genetic variation in the metabolism of caffeine.

The work was built from data present in the Biobank (a type of bio-repository that stores biological samples for use in research) in the United Kingdom. There were 498,043 participants, men and women aged between 40 and 69 years.

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Study results

According to an average follow-up of 11.2 years, the highest tea intake was moderately associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality among individuals who consumed two or more cups per day.

The researchers concluded that tea consumption, even at higher intake levels, can form part of a healthy diet. However, it is important to highlight that the study had limitations: the portion size and the concentration of the teas were not evaluated.

Moderation is the key

Excessive consumption of teas is associated with hepatic (liver) problems, such as hepatitis, due to the presence of some substances present in plants that can be toxic to the body when consumed in large quantities often.

Considering that there are no established safe doses for tea consumption, it is important to use common sense and not consume these drinks in excess (more than two cups a day). In addition, it is necessary to vary the type of tea, so the body will not be frequently exposed to the same substances.


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