Six thousand free places are open for the pre-Enem course in ES

The pre-Enem course is a preparatory course that aims to help students prepare for the National High School Exam (Enem). Enem is an annual assessment applied by the Ministry of Education (MEC) in Brazil and is used as a selection pass for most universities public and private institutions in the country, in addition to being one of the ways to access the University for All Program (ProUni) and the Student Financing Fund (FIES).

In Espírito Santo, the Department of Education opened enrollment for the free pre-Enem course. In total, there are six thousand vacancies available in the 78 municipalities. Entries can be made until March 8th. Interested students can apply through the website. and they can choose to take the course face-to-face at hybrid or online hub schools.

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To sign up is very simple. Simply access the page and register on the “Citizen Access” Portal, using your CPF number and e-mail (third-party documents cannot be used). After that, the candidate must select the “PRE-ENEM” icon, and read the guidelines contained in this Notice and fill in the registration form.

Students enrolled in the 3rd grade of high school and in the 2nd or 3rd stages of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) of the State Public Education Network can participate in the selection process. The pre-Enem course is a great option for students who want to prepare for the exam and increase their chances of success in the test.

Enrolled students will have access to video classes of all curricular components and study materials of the contents contemplated in the Enem Reference Matrix. Live online classes and face-to-face classes will be given, by area of ​​knowledge: Codes, Languages ​​and Writing; Natural Sciences and Mathematics; and Human Sciences. Classes will take place until the scheduled date for the realization of ENEM 2023.

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