What are the differences between Tarot and Oracle?

For those who are looking for answers or want to know what their future and what fate has to say, a Tarot or Oracle session is a great indication. Now do you know the difference and similarities between them? Today, we'll show you the differences between the two, the cards for each, and how we can use the two together to improve our sessions and get responses.

Tarot and Oracle

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Know what are the main differences between the two so you don't confuse them in a session. Also discover the types of cards for each technique and how to use them to complement your session:


To begin to point out the differences, it is important to point out that the Tarot is a type of oracle. However, there are some rules and differences that make the Tarot unique to the Oracle.
The Tarot is a set of 78 cards commonly called arcana, which are divided into two groups: the 22 Major Arcana and the 56 Minor Arcana.

Each of the four suits has ten numbered arcana and four arcana with medieval court figures: page (or Princess), knight (or Prince), Queen and King. A Tarot deck is only complete when sold and studied in its total number of cards.


Oracles, unlike Tarot, are fluid and can present almost any type of content. Another characteristic that differentiates them are the cards, since the Oracle does not have a defined number of cards. Runes, for example, are a type of oracle that has 24 symbols + Odin's rune. You can find them both in the form of letters and small stones.

use both

If you want more responses in your session, it's great and recommended to use both to get those responses. While Tarot can provide strategies for achieving goals, the oracle can show you whether it's worth going after that goal or what goals are best for you. By using both, you will have more complete answers and, thus, you will be able to trace your path in the best possible way.

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