Fine of BRL 195.23 and points on the CNH for those who do not comply with THIS rule

Contran's new resolution establishes new norms for the use of insulin on car windows and is already in force in the country. The infraction is considered serious, and anyone who disagrees with the measure gets five points on the National Driver's License (CNH), in addition to a fine of R$ 195.23. The vehicle can still be retained until the owner adapts it.

For this reason, it is necessary that drivers are always aware of the rules, thus preventing them from being caught by surprise and ending up taking this unpleasant ticket home. The changes were disclosed in a recent resolution, drawn up by the National Traffic Council (Contran), and have already surprised the population quite a bit.

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The resolution in question is number 960/2022, in which Contran established the new rules for the use of insulfilm in vehicles, seeking to ensure more safety for drivers and more quality in the films themselves, which would avoid compromising the vision of those behind the car steering wheel.

The standards consider how much light passes through the film without being absorbed, also known as light transmittance. Thus, based on the changes, the percentage now cannot be less than 70% for areas considered essential for the driver's vision, including the windshield. In glasses that do not affect visibility, the minimum percentage is 28%. The percentages are considered for both colored and uncolored film.

Still among the new determinations, the use of opaque or mirrored films that hinder visibility and the passage of lighting is also strictly prohibited. Another ban is on bubbles derived from incorrect application, and there is no tolerance for these defects, as they can compromise driving safety and could lead to accidents.

Finally, in the situation of having the car withheld, it will only be released to the owner when he leaves the vehicle in accordance with the rules, as well as paying the tow costs.

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