Relative pronoun: ‘che’

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Meaning: / Meaning: * “It is the content of the element of the linguistic structure that mette in relazione a name or a pronoun (it cotitusce l'antecentente) with a subordinate sentence: relative pronoun; relative averb." / It is said of the element of the linguistic structure that relates a noun or a pronoun (which is the antecedent) with a subordinate clause: relative pronoun or relative adverb.

* Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

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The relative pronoun ‘che’ is invariable sia per gender (maschile or femminile) sia per il number (singular or plural). Concordance is in genere fatta col sostantivo di cui relative pronoun is il sostituente. / The relative pronoun 'that' is invariable, either for the gender (male or female) or for the number (singular or plural). Agreement is usually made with the noun that the relative pronoun is replacing.

A relative pronoun può sotiture un soggetto, un oggetto o complementi indiretti. Vedi degli esempi.

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/ A relative pronoun can replace a subject, an object or an indirect complement. See some examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Philosophy is a discipline Che mi piace./ Philosophy is a discipline that I like. (sotitusce il soggetto – replaces the subject).

2) Vorrei dirvi una cosa Che non sapete./ I would like to tell you something you do not know. (sotitusce l’oggetto – replaces the object).

3) La città in cui vivo si chiama Roma./ The city where I live is called Roma. (it substitutes an indirect complement – ​​it substitutes an indirect complement).

4) Puoi darmi le caramelle Che Giulia ha Comprato? / Can you give me the candies Giulia bought? (sotitusce l’oggetto – replaces the object).

5) Il film take care you ho parlato, it is beautiful! / The movie I told you about is beautiful! (sotituisce an indirect complement – ​​replaces an indirect complement).

6) Voglio smettere di fumare, il Che it is not easy. / I want to stop smoking, which is not easy. (replaces a sentence with a neutral value – replaces a sentence with a neutral value).

7) La ragazza alla quale I have my phone number at the one near the door. / The girl I gave my phone number to is the one by the door. (it supports an indirect complement – ​​it substitutes an indirect complement).

Osservassone:/ Note:

 Fà attenzione agli esempi 03 and 07. Whenever the relative pronoun is an indirect complement si ricorre a cui e il quale (la quale ecc.) all’invece di ‘che’ invariabile. / Pay attention to examples 03 and 07. Whenever the relative pronoun replaces an indirect complement, (where or from which) and which (which etc.) instead of the invariant 'that'.

 Fà attenzione all’esempio 06. When the pronoun 'che' is a sentence, the proposition sarà always preceded dall'articolo determinativo (il). Questo type di costruzione può essere sotituta anche per (and ciò, and di ciò ecc.)./ Pay attention to example 06. When the pronoun 'that' replaces a sentence or a period, it will always be preceded by the given article (o). This type of construction can also be replaced by (and this, and that etc.).

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -
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