4 Phrases Parents Raising Mentally Strong Kids Never Use

During the development of their children, parents play a leading role. After all, parents are the best examples of their children, because it is with them that children learn their values, discover their tastes and prepare to face life. Therefore, it is essential that parents know what not to tell kids if you want them to be strong. Here are some phrases that should be avoided in front of our children:

What not to say to our children when they are growing up

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Being a father or mother is not an easy task, because no one was taught that. Everything, or almost everything, that we say to our children is inspired by some situation we've been through, whether it's our own experience with our parents, or with things we've learned throughout life.

Thinking about helping parental relationships and impacting their children's lives, a psychologist decided to give some phrases tips that should not be said to children if you want them to become adults strong. Check it out below:

  • "Stop crying!" or “Don’t be like that!”

It may seem simple, but phrases like these convey to your child that they cannot feel what they are feeling right now.

However, it is extremely important to make it clear to children that they can have their moments of being sad, upset or upset. Inhibiting or repressing a child's feelings can hinder their future communication.

  • “Stop worrying about it”

The psychologist explains that it is useless to tell a child not to worry about something, even if it is just to calm him down. Instead, parents should teach their children how to deal with that situation, because that will prepare them to deal with future problems.

  • “Don't worry, everything will be fine”

Although it sounds contradictory, as if we shouldn't support our children, just assuring them that everything will be all right can have negative consequences.

That's because, according to the psychologist, it's important to teach them how to prepare and deal with failures, after all, not always "everything will work out" and your child needs to know that.

  • "I don't want to see you do that again"

A classic phrase for parents, but one that sounds like a serious threat to their children. Even if it's about something silly, that parents just don't want their children to do, that sentence can generate fear and extreme self-vigilance in children.

They will always be afraid of doing something that the parents think is wrong again, and because of this, they can become introspective and affect the trust between them.

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