Healthy eating: Know what antioxidant foods are

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Good nutrition is essential for the prevention of many health problems. In that sense, the antioxidant foods perform very specific actions that greatly influence the nutritional status. So, check out now what these foods are and their main benefits.

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Foods with antioxidant action

Antioxidant foods are those whose composition includes some compounds that fight substances produced by the body. known as free radicals, which are harmful to cells and contribute to the emergence of diseases such as cancer, for example.

On the other hand, antioxidants neutralize these compounds and protect the body from possible aggressions that would be triggered. Therefore, food is essential to keep organs healthy and prevent disease.

How to include antioxidant foods in the routine?

The main sources of these compounds are fruits and vegetables. Therefore, you should invest in the consumption of raw and cooked salads, as well as fruit and oilseed mixes. Finally, here are some food options to include in your daily life:

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1. Açaí

The antioxidant compound present in açaí is anthocyanin, responsible for the purple color of this fruit. You can consume the açaí blended with fruit or with fish and manioc flour, as is very common in the North of Brazil. Also, some of the other foods rich in anthocyanins are raspberries, beets and plums.

2. butternut squash

Kale (as well as broccoli and arugula) is rich in chlorophyll and also has vitamin C. These two substances act as potent antioxidants. Therefore, you can consume kale in a green juice along with foods like ginger, lemon and apple, as well as in salads and other preparations.

3. Tomato

Tomato contains lycopene, which has been studied a lot in recent years. However, it is important that this vegetable is heated before consumption so that the lycopene is well absorbed. So, you can make a tomato sauce or oven-roasted vegetable recipe with it.

4. Avocado

Avocado is an excellent source of vitamin E, an important antioxidant that is also present in foods such as almonds and chestnuts. In this sense, you can even consume them together to enhance the supply of this vitamin.

5. Sardine

Sardines are a fish rich in omega 3, which in addition to being antioxidants, is also anti-inflammatory and considered a beneficial fat for the body. That is, this nutrient is all good!

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