Find out how to get a loan, even if you are negative

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Due to the economic situation in which they find themselves, millions of Brazilians, in addition to being in need of money, are also in need of namedirty. In most cases, this affects loan applications, given that most financial institutions use this requirement to grant credit.

However, did you know that there are some ways to get credit for negatives? Find out what they are in the course of the article.

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Get money even with a dirty name

A clean name is a very common prerequisite for some financial institutions to grant credit to their customers. Therefore, many Brazilians who are in need of emergency money find themselves unable to get credit, after all, more than 64 million people have their name on the SPC (Service for the Protection of Credit).

However, what many don't know is that there are 4 ways to get credit without having a bad name as a problem. Check it out below.

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4 credit options for negatives

Loans that do not have impediments for those with a dirty name are those of the following modalities:

  • Payroll loan: It can be requested by INSS retirees and pensioners, civil servants, military personnel from the armed forces, beneficiaries of the Auxílio Brasil, beneficiaries of the Benefit of Continuous Provision and employees of private companies with a formal contract, the Payroll Loan has its installments deducted directly from the payroll payment.
  • Pledge: It can be requested by anyone, as long as the individual leaves valuables with the institution as a guarantee of payment of the credit, which is released on time and has very low interest rates. If the customer does not pay the loan, the asset remains with the institution.
  • Anticipation of the FGTS Birthday Withdrawal: It can be requested by anyone over 18 years of age who has a balance on the FGTS. With this modality, you can anticipate up to 7 installments and offer your FGTS balance as a guarantee, after all, the amounts will be deducted from there annually, on your birthday.
  • Loan with collateral: Similar to the pledge modality, since the customer also needs to offer a good as collateral.

Institutions that offer credit for negatives

There are several companies that offer personal credit for those with a dirty name. See some of them:

  1. Credits: Offers loan with real estate guarantee;
  2. Yes Loan: Offers secured car loan;
  3. FGTS harvest: Does not consult with Serasa to grant loans;
  4. PortoCred: Offers loan through FGTS birthday withdrawal.

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