Is it possible to reach speeds faster than light?

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You mysteries of space still intrigue many people. Realizing this, the film industry always invests in films that are able to play with their imagination regarding space.

In this sense, surely you've watched movies where the characters could exceed speeds as fast as the speed of light and wondered if this is possible. You are curious? See what some scientists have answered about this question.

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Can't be faster than light

For those who have doubts about the speed of light and whether we can exceed that speed, scientists say no. For scientists it is impossible to reach a speed faster than the speed of light.

If you ever wanted to spend a vacation on another planet, arriving in a few hours, reaching a speed greater than 299,792,458 meters per second, know that it is impossible.

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Physicist Albert Einstein explains why we cannot build a super rocket and manage to reach Jupiter in a few hours.

Scientists' explanation

In his theory of relativity Einstein explains that space and time are relative. Thus, to calculate the distance of time for a clock inside an airplane and a clock on Earth, it will pass more slowly than for a clock that is stopped on Earth.

In this sense, the speed of light can be thought of as a limit. For example, if the time for a clock on an airplane, which usually travels at a speed between 800 and 900 km/h, passes a little slower, what would happen if it flew faster? According to Einstein time would pass more slowly until a moment it would stop.

Thus, Einstein's conclusion was that, if it were possible to exceed a speed faster than that of light, there would come a time when space and time would cease to exist.

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