Google tested ChatGPT and compared it to its LaMDA prototype

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ChatGPT's technology has been among the top comments in recent months. This artificial intelligence developed by OPENAI is able to interact with the user through questions and answers. A Google compares LaMDA with ChatGPT! Learn the observations about these Chatbots.

AI tools are ways to improve service to programmers

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LaMDA is Google's AI Beta version, which also develops realistic dialogue, as well as the tool developed by OPENAI (American research laboratory in intelligence artificial).

The company compared the responses provided by the two chatbots for the same questions. According to the publication made on CNBC, ChatGPT surprised with the results. The technology answered a set of technical questions from the company, used in a selection process for programmers. With the ChatGPT responses, the necessary score would be reached for approval in the level three engineer vacancy.

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As a result, the workers questioned whether AI will replace them in their services. Regarding this fact, those responsible stated that the programmers will not be replaced either by ChatGPT or by AlphaCode, DeepMind's coding mechanism. In addition, he reaffirmed the importance of teamwork for the programming process.

According to those responsible, technology emerges as an option to improve services, that is, to facilitate and expand programming possibilities. But replacing the engineers would not be a logical option since it would not be possible to replace the human ability to create.

A clear example of this are the answers provided by the programs to questions involving logical reasoning. Even with the good resourcefulness in specific and technical issues, both Chatbots missed the question of logical reasoning by not being able to develop a solution to the problem.

With this test, the company reaffirms the multiple uses for AI and in different areas.

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