Alarming! Country breaks record in layoffs

An increase in the number of dismissals was recorded in the last 12 months until July. Research shows that around 6.5 million people have chosen to follow this path, among which there is a large number of workers with a formal contract. This is a new record in records, despite knowledge about the great difficulty in returning to the job market and the high unemployment rate.

Read more: Discover all the types of dismissal provided for in Brazil

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This number can be represented by approximately 32.4% of the total dismissals of workers in the mentioned period. In other words, out of every three dismissals, one was carried out by free will.

The data revealed by the survey were discovered by LCA Consultores, which used data from the General Register of Employed and Unemployed People (Caged). This database is responsible for counting signed portfolios in Brazilian territory. The analyzes that resulted in the discovery of the record have data from the period of January 2020, the beginning of the Caged historical series, with the new method of counting vacancies currently used.

When we look at July 2021, and make a comparison with this year, we will see that there was an increase of approximately 42.5% in the number of dismissals in the accumulated 12 months.

monthly information

In the month of July, numbers close to 588,807 dismissals were recorded, which is equivalent to an average of 35.3% of the final result of layoffs recorded through Caged in the month of July (1.667.635). This record is inferior only to the month of March, which had 603,136 dismissals.

But, if we still carry out a comparison between the month of July last year and put the records found this year side by side, we will find an increase of 31%.

Reality of the Brazilian States

The survey also showed the reality of some Brazilian states within the same period. São Paulo was one of the states that managed to remain at the top of records related to the highest number of dismissals. This is because the state carries the title of being one of the most employing in the country.

What will be the reason for all this?

According to economist Bruno Imaizumi, one of those responsible for finding the research records, during the pandemic, a large number of people, in the hour of desperation, ended up accepting any opportunity that arose, without taking into account any affinity with their formations. In view of this, after the effects of the pandemic had passed, this became the right time to renounce their positions and go looking for new opportunities, but this time that match their field of work. training.

He also adds that the return to face-to-face employment can also be a contributing factor to these results. “With that, for workers who saw that this modality is not beneficial in terms of quality of life, this return to work environment ends up weighing on the choice of professional, who prefers to work from home instead of commuting every day. days,” he points out.

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