Altri usi dei tempi: Present and Passage in Congiuntive mode

It is possible to use the congiuntive mode with present tempi and insieme passage to espressioni impersonali, with alcuni verbi impersonali ed anche dopo il relative superlative. Osserva eat farlo! / It is possible to use the subjunctive mood with the tenses Present and Past Perfect Composite together with the impersonal expressions, with some impersonal verbs and also after the relative superlative. Watch how to do it!

Attention!/ Attention!

1) It is important to tell the time that the Congiuntive Mode is equivalent to the ‘Subjunctive’ Mode alla lingua portoghese. / It is important to say that the ‘Congiuntive’ Mode is equivalent to the Subjunctive Mode in the Portuguese language.

2) Il tempo passato all’italiano is equivalent to portoghese il tense ‘compound perfect past tense to the Subjunctive Mode’. / The tense ‘Passato’ in Italian is equivalent in Portuguese to the Pretérito Perfeito Composed in the Subjunctive Mode.

3) The present tense all’italiano al Congiuntive Mode is equivalent to the tense ‘Present in Subjunctive Mode’ al portoghese.

/ The 'Present' tense in the Italian 'Congiuntive' Mode is equivalent to the Present tense in the Portuguese's Subjunctive Mode.

Congiuntivo con espressioni impersonali: vedi la struttura!/ ‘Congiuntivo’ with impersonal expressions: see the structure!

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Don't miss out on Giulia's party/ It's a good thing you didn't go to Giulia's party.

2) È peggio che stiamo da soli a casa, vorrei uscire. / It's bad that we're home alone, I wanted to go out.

3) È probabile che Anna venga prima di Lucia. / It is likely that Anna will come before Lucia.

4) È bene che smetta di fumare, così breathe meglio./ It's good to stop smoking, so you can breathe better.

5) It is difficult for Anna to come to Rome with noi. / It's difficult for Anna to come to Rome with us.

Congiuntivo con alcuni verbi impersonali: vedi la struttura! / ‘Congiuntive’ with some impersonal verbs: see the structure!

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Bisogna che any compri il biglietto della partita tra Milan and Rome. / Someone needs to buy the ticket for the match between Milan and Rome.

2) The return of the cose without stiano così buone, allora coraggio! / Sometimes it seems like things aren't so good, so be brave!

3) Dispiace che ci sia so much povertà al mondo. / We are sorry that there is so much poverty in the world.

4) No fat to benzinaio oggi, just check it out in the center. / I didn't fill the car's tank today, all you have to do is go downtown.

5) It happens after the coppie di oggi non abbiano molti bambini. / It often happens that couples today do not have many children.

Congiuntivo dopo il relative superlative: vedi la struttura! / ‘Congiuntive’ after the relative superlative: see structure!

Esempi: / Examples:

1) The least expensive mechanic with us is Mario Lupo. / The least expensive mechanic I know of is Mario Lupo.

2) The cosa più scema che he abbia felt and stato ciò che ha detto Giulia a Anna. / The dumbest thing I've heard is what Giulia said to Anna.

3) The tour of Rome is the più bella passeggiata che io abbia fatto nella vita. / The tour in Rome is the most beautiful I've ever done.

Pay attention! / Heads up!

Volendo saper un po’ di più sul Congiuntivo Present and Passato, it is possible to access the testi: “Congiuntivo: Present” and “Congiuntivo: Passato”./ Wanting to know a little more about the 'Congiuntivo Presente e Passato', you can access the texts: "Congiuntive: Present" and "Congiuntive: Passato”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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