Futuristic coffee for passengers: understand how this is possible

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When talking about technology, some Asian countries like Japan, China and South Korea are the first to come to mind, right? Well, apparently this stereotype is not for nothing. That's because Incheon International Airport, located about 50 kilometers from Seoul, offers coffee in a very futuristic way for your passengers. The novelty has been drawing the attention of thousands of travelers who pass through the terminals every day. See more below.

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Just imagine arriving at an airport, feeling that hunger and receiving food or drinks through automated machines? This is a big surprise, even for Korean citizens who are used to big advances. In this case, many passengers will be able to receive their food through robots, which promise to optimize delivery time at the location.

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Delivery through robots

Launched on July 18, the robot is operated through an app called Baemin, made by Korean company LG Electronics. It is even present in other environments, such as hospitals and offices. At the airport they are called Air-Dilly. The robot picks up terminals and carries food and drinks from Baskin-Robbins, Paris Baguette and Dunkin for people from 9 am to 5 pm.

So that he can serve as many travelers as possible and deliveries do not take so long, are six robots of the same model were used, but the forecast is that this number will be even greater in the coming months. Even companies that use the service do not charge any fee for deliveries.

According to scientists and developers, it's an excellent way to meet the needs of tired and hungry travelers, especially in a country where the tourism industry grows every day with the export of KPOP and famous soap operas koreans. So, what do you think? It's a great way to use technology in everyday life, isn't it?


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