You should NEVER offer these fruits to your dog!

If you are a dog owner, you certainly know how much they love a treat. Also, it has certainly crossed your mind whether or not to give the pet a fruit, hasn't it? So check out the list we prepared with the following: fruits prohibited for dogs and why you shouldn't let them eat them!

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After all, can dogs eat fruit?

Maybe you have that doubt, so here's the answer: they can be consumed, but they shouldn't be the basis of dog food. Including, some fruits and vegetables are good for your puppy's health. However, not everything is flowers, that is, fruits…

If you have decided to offer homemade diets to your dog, you must remember that he is a carnivorous animal, therefore, he must consume only a small amount of plant-based foods (such as fruits and vegetables) in relation to your total food. Also, some fruits should not be offered even in small quantities.

Fruits you should never give dogs

  • Avocado

For us humans, avocado is an excellent fruit. On the other hand, it is toxic for dogs, since in addition to bringing problems to the gastrointestinal system, it contains a substance called Persin, which is extremely toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting and diarrhea on them.

  • Cherry

This fruit so small, cute and apparently harmless, contains a substance called cyanide and consumption by dogs can lead to respiratory failure and consequently death. Basically cyanide impairs the transport of oxygen, which is done by blood cells.

  • Star fruit

Carambola is a juicy fruit, but some of its substances, especially caramboxin, can cause kidney disease, especially in pets with a tendency to these problems. So, just in case, it's better not to offer it to your dog!

  • apple seeds

In this case, the problem is not in the fruit itself, but in the seeds, since apple cores contain a lot of cyanide, as well as cherry. If you decide to offer an apple to your dog, pay close attention so that he does not ingest the seeds!

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