See what a TikTok dance did with the result of a sentence

Esmeralda Mello, 21 years old, was the talk of the social media during the last week, for having done a little dance in the TikTok with two other friends. The video itself wouldn't be a reason for controversy, if it weren't for the simple fact that it was recorded right after a decision taken by the Labor Court, where her friends were witnesses.

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She sued the jewelry store where she worked as a salesperson in the state of São Paulo, asking it to be recognition of employment from a period prior to that recorded in the employment card her. The young woman also declared that there was moral damage due to the omission of the registration and moral harassment due to the humiliating treatment she received in her workplace.

Shortly after giving testimony, the young woman ended up publishing a video on her TikTok profile with two of her friends, who were also witnesses in the process and who were chosen by her to depose. In the video, the three do a little dance, and the caption reads: "Me and my friends going to sue the toxic company."

With the video in hand, the owner of the jewelry store went to court, presenting the content as proof that Esmeralda had a friendly relationship with the two colleagues, which would prevent them from being witnesses.

The judge in the case analyzed the arguments presented by the company and ended up annulling the testimonies of the friends. Furthermore, it also imposed a fine for litigation in bad faith, both for Esmeralda and for the witnesses.

“The two were my work colleagues, I don't know what came over me to post this video, but I don't I would end up putting 'me and my colleagues' in the caption, so I put friends," she said in testimony. “I don't regret my post, the problem is that I didn't expect it to have such a huge impact. My cell phone was locked from so many messages I received. But I'm taking it all in stride, as the saying goes, I'm making good lemonade out of lemons,” added the young woman.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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