Lack of money can be worse than you think, research shows

recently a search conducted by Princeton University was published containing a somewhat surprising study. The study states that the poverty it's so mentally draining for people who, people considered “poor” have less mental capacity to dedicate themselves to other areas of their lives.

The people passing by financial difficulties tend to make bad decisions that can increase, or even worsen, their financial problems, making them a snowball.

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The problem of poverty is something serious, because little by little people lose the chance to get out of it, scientists suggest.

According to what was found, a person with less financial conditions tends to have a reasonable momentary drop in their IQ, approximately 13 points. Which is equivalent to spending a sleepless night, studies point out.

However, when these same people weren't facing financial problems, they did well on the tests. So this isn't the first time science has concluded that poverty impairs brain function.

In mid-2013, a behavioral scientist and an economist released a book called “Scarcity – A new way of thinking about the lack of resources in people's lives”. people and organizations", in which a study was published on new ways of thinking about the lack of resources in people's lives and organizations.

In the book it is said that the effect of excessive concern generated by the lack of money leaves people worn out, comparing the human brain to a computer where there are several programs open at the same time and, therefore, its performance drops drastically, this goes for the brain of people who have many debt problems and spend a lot of time thinking of ways to try to solve all of them at the same time, thus harming their performance. Decision-making made in situations of poverty is generally considered hasty and misguided.

For the impact of poverty to be reduced, we must think about solving a financial problem of each time, as succinctly as possible, without contracting new debts to try to resolve the old ones.

Therefore, it is clear that the economic problems go far beyond what is imagined. If necessary, seek support from a professional, both in the economic and health areas.

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