Feng Shui: Organize Your Closet and Attract Abundance

One of the easiest places to mess up is the closet, and believe me, this part of your bedroom speaks volumes about you, revealing details about how you feel and the vibe you bring to your home and your life.

Also, it's very important to have a good flow of energy there, because it's the first thing you see in the morning, isn't it? So, now check out some ways to organize your closet according to the Feng Shui so that you ward off the negative energies that disorganization brings.

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Read more: What is Feng Shui? Definition, Meaning and Examples

What is Feng Shui?

A vital energy is the basis of Feng Shui, known as “chi” in their native language, which exists and circulates through homes and environments in general. Therefore, we can say that this ancient Chinese practice does the same thing that a basic healing method does: it balances the vital energy of the environment.

This practice involves art, wisdom and technology, which make it possible to organize and energetically clean houses and apartments. Apart from home environments (living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms), Feng Shui can also be used in work environments, whatever they may be, as well as in all types of real estate and land.

Organizing Your Closet and Attracting Abundance

  • Take it all off

First, place all of your clothes on the bed, as experts suggest for a method of organization. It will be tumultuous, but it is always the beginning of a process that will bring peace and happiness afterwards.

  • to rank

Then choose the clothes you want to wear based on a use for them. Clothes that are torn, worn out, or that no longer fit your body should be avoided at all costs! The clothes you wear to work, for example, are the ones that manifest prosperity.

  • Color is very important

Starting with black, Feng Shui recommends arranging the garments from left to right, starting with black, then brown, blue, green, purple, red, orange, pink, yellow, white, metallic tones and finally gray. Also, choose colors that enhance your sense of humor.

  • Uniformity

Sort the clothes by size category, place the hooks on the hangers in the same direction, and also make sure that both clothes and accessories are easily but harmoniously arranged.

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