Avoid pressure cooker accidents by following 5 guidelines

Using the pressure cooker speeds up the cooking of many foods and saves gas, optimizing results in the kitchen. What is worth remembering is that the wrong use of it promotes serious risks to the lives of cooks. See guidelines on how to avoid accidents with the pressure cooker. With these instructions, risks are reduced.

Avoid accidents with the pressure cooker

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As it does not let the cooking steam escape, its internal temperature increases in such a way that it accelerates the cooking of food. There is a great savings in cooking gas, which makes many choose to use it, however many accidents happen due to lack of attention and little information about the risks existing.

In this sense, it is essential to be aware of what precautions are necessary to avoid problems when cooking. Check out what to always do when using a pan so you don't end up hurt or wasting food.

1. Pay attention to the amount of water

You must not fill the pot with water. It is not for nothing that the vast majority display a marking indicating the adequate water limit. The amount is two-thirds of its volume. If there is a large amount of water in the pan, the steam outlet becomes clogged, interrupting its operation. she can even explode.

2. Only open the cooker when the pressure is released

Under no circumstances should you open the cooker before removing all the internal pressure. That is, you should only open it when the exhaust valve no longer releases any air. Also don't put it under running water to speed up the process.

3. manage time

If you are making a recipe that requires a certain cooking time, so you want to use the pressure cooker to finish it faster, be careful. Since the pan cooks everything faster, you won't need to follow the same cooking time as a normal one. Also, you should only count the time after the cooker picks up the pressure.

4. Check valve before use

Before using it, check the state of all the components of the pan: pin, rubber and especially the valve. Constant maintenance of the cooker reduces the risk of accidents.

5. Sanitize the pan properly

Finally, always remember not to let your pan accumulate dirt, otherwise its functioning will be corrupted. Unclogging the valve and constantly cleaning the rubber are examples of what you should do frequently.

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