The end of the year brings all the festivities, food and decorations typical of the time. In addition to lights, a variety of Santa Claus and various trinkets, plants are also widely used in celebrations. The pine tree is practically a Christmas symbol. And the holly, then? The point is if you have pets, you need to be careful with plant choices, as some of them can be very harmful to pets.
Plants harmful to pets
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The information was brought by several specialists and passed on by the English newspaper Metro.
See some of the typical Christmas plants that can harm our animals.
Ivy: used for the preparation of Christmas decorations, such as the famous wreaths, it can irritate the skin of pets and cause stomach pains;
Pine trees: The tree that is currently a symbol of Christmas has options that are reusable, made of plastic or some other material that is less harmful to animals. Whoever chooses the original version of the tree should be extra careful, because despite not being very toxic, its needles can cause irritation in the throat and mouth of animals that try to eat it. It can also cause cuts and bruises;
Poinsettias: even though they are part of a family of plants that are known for their extreme toxicity, poinsettias have a technically low in toxic properties, but even so they can cause some milder symptoms such as vomiting and nausea in dogs and cats;
Mistletoe: often seen in Christmas movies as the little plant under which people kiss. She was known to increase affection and strengthen ties between people, but it can cause weakness in the animals, leading to tremors and even causing convulsions in the four-legged friends;
Holly: it is widely used at the end of the year festivities and does not present any danger in its leaves. The danger derives from the “fruits” of the plant. Yes, those little red berries. They can lead to vomiting, irritation and even cause diarrhea in animals.
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