Extra care: Inmet warns of heavy rains across the country!

The rains have been quite intense since the end of last year. According to the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet), more water is coming, so people have to prepare. In a statement released, more than 2 thousand Brazilian cities will be affected by heavy rains, being considered a degree of “danger”.

Predictions were that volumes would be between 30 and 60 mm/h or 50 and 100 mm/day.

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The warning was given because the rains arrived accompanied by strong winds that could reach speeds between 60 and 100 km/h. These weather events pointed to a high chance of power outages, tree falls, flooding and electrical discharges.

In view of the intensity of the rains, it is always recommended to protect yourself during storms, avoiding places that may increase any risk. For example: it is not recommended to seek shelter under trees, as they are a conductive wire for lightning, as well as turning off electrical appliances from the socket. Depending on the intensity of the storm, these electronics are subject to short circuiting, burning and may conduct electricity.

As disclosed on the institute's website, approximately 2,000 cities suffered and continue to experience heavy rains.

Cities below are expected to experience heavy rain in the coming days.

  • Campinas;
  • Central Espírito Santo;
  • Mining Center;
  • North Center of Mato Grosso do Sul;
  • Federal District;
  • East Goiás;
  • East Rondoniense;
  • Madeira-Guaporé;
  • Metropolitan of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Northeast Mato Grosso;
  • Northwest Espírito Santo;
  • North of Mines;
  • North Fluminense;
  • Mato Grosso do Sul Pantanais;
  • Ribeirão Preto;
  • Sao Jose do Rio Preto;
  • Southeast Pará;
  • Southwest Pará;
  • South Bahia;
  • South/Southwest of Minas Gerais;
  • Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba;
  • Juruá Valley;
  • Mucuri Valley;
  • Rio Doce Valley.

O site of the Virtual Center for Warnings of Severe Meteorological Events for the South of South America (Alert-AS) can be accessed to verify all the regions and cities that will be impacted by the rains. That way, you can prepare better.

If you find yourself in an emergency situation arising from these events, you can contact with the Fire Department by dialing 193 or with the Civil Defense Service Center by dialing 199.

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