Free Language Course by MEC

Want to learn a new language or improve your proficiency? Need to take the TOEFL test but don't know how to prepare? Are you a student, technician or professor at a federal institution of higher education? So stay tuned because this opportunity is for you! The Ministry of Education (MEC) has applications open in courses of free languages ​​all over Brazil!

Opportunities are provided by the Languages ​​without Borders Program, a joint initiative with the Personnel Improvement Coordination Higher Education (CAPES) which provides education and training in six languages ​​– German, Spanish, French, English, Italian and Japanese. At the moment, it includes professors and technicians from federal institutions, in addition to public and private higher education students.

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Among the proposals of the Language without Borders Program are teacher training, training in foreign language, leveling and proficiency tests (such as TOEFL), in addition to online courses and in person. Several organizations are involved in the project, such as Fulbright Brasil and Japan Foundation. The selection of participants is made through specific notices opened by each institution.

General information about the program can be obtained from the website:

open opportunities

The Language without Borders Program is open for enrollment through federal universities in several Brazilian states. Among them are the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Check out the available options:

Goias Federal University

The institution opens enrollment in the IsF English course. The student can enroll in two course options – My English Online or in the Proficiency Tests. In the first, you have access to a course with five levels – the first four consisting of three parts and nine units and, the last, the preparatory exams CAE, FCE and TOEFL. All offer a certificate and, at the 5th level, the document comes with each exam taken.

As for the Proficiency Tests, you can register for the TOEFL exam (Test of English as a Foreign Language), designed to assess an individual's potential to speak and understand English at a academic.

The next test has 16 spots available and will be held on September 15 at Campus Colemar Natal e Silva. On-site English courses will only be available to students with TOEFL results or placement tests.

Federal University of Minas Gerais

At UFMG, students will have four courses at their disposal, two in French and two in English. Those interested in French can choose between Developing Academic Listening and the Beginner Module – First Steps in French.

The first is face-to-face with application at the Pampulha campus and a workload of 16 hours. The second, also face-to-face, will be held on the Pampulha and Law School campuses.

Those who want to study English can enroll in the TOEFL ITP – Simulated, and Oral Comprehension: Lectures and Classes courses. Both have a workload of 16 hours and will be held on the Pampulha campus. To enroll, you must observe some requirements, such as an active connection to the My English Online (MEO) Platform or having taken the TOEFL ITP through the program.

For the two institutions, as well as for the others throughout Brazil, the student needs to register through the student IsF website. There, you will provide your information that will immediately be linked to the educational institution in which you are enrolled.

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